Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fake it 'til you make it

English expression: Fake it 'til you make it. - (Fake it until you make it) - = If you don't know how to do something, pretend like you know how to do it until you learn how to do it or become successful. - This is a common expression and easy to remember because it rhymes. People love things that rhyme. - I'm not sure how I feel about the ideology behind this expression. On one hand, I think it's good because it can encourage people to keep trying until they succeed. On the other hand, it encourages a bit of deceitful behavior.

I think that English learners should fake it until they make it because practicing is the only way to get better. On the other hand, I certainly would not want my doctor to be faking it until he or she makes it. - It's most commonly used for when someone starts a new job and is having doubts on if he or she will be able to do it well. The cliché advice people give that person is, "Hey, fake it 'til make you make it." - What do you think? Is this good advice? Do you think people should fake it 'til they make it"? - Share your thoughts in the comments! - Check out #fakeittillyoumakeit for more examples. - Tag a friend who faked it 'til he or she made it.

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